Charlotte Storm Water

Charlotte Storm Water

Slide from the NC SRI conference

Charlotte Storm Water

Slide from the NC SRI conference

Since its inception, stream restoration has been guided by the Rosgen stream classification system. Typical parameters include cross-sectional dimension, channel and valley shape, grade, sinuosity, stream features, channel material distribution, and geographic setting.

While integral, this system is limited to (quasi)static streams. With the great majority of our work at Habitat Assessment & Restoration Professionals was done in urban(izing) settings, whose watersheds contain large areas of impervious cover (and are thus highly susceptible to flash flooding and frequent channel modification), we find this system to be severely lacking in its present state.

With this study, Dr. Forsythe seeks to improve upon this (otherwise beneficial) status quo by taking storm water discharge into stronger consideration.

Forsythe, R., S. Harville, J. Soule, and C. Matthews, 2004: Stream Regime and Restoration Challenges in Urbanizing Areas of the Piedmont of North Carolina. NC SRI Southeastern Regional Conference on Stream Restoration, pages 61-62.