Projects: Selectivizr

A CSS3 polyfill

MasterCard Responsive

MasterCard Responsive
MasterCard Responsive

The Engagement Bureau needed some significant re-theming (including the addition of off-canvas menus) to make it accessible to phones and tablets. I spent a great deal of time modularizing years old style sheets that were thousands of lines in length. The DevOps team made developing via local vagrant instance possible.



Auxogyn was in need of a site to show off it’s Early Embryo Viability Assessment (EEVA) test. I created a site that facilitated complete and intuitive client control over all content. They were able to add, delete, and modify every bit of it on their own, even down to the featured text within the carousel. By employing Gravity Forms, they were able to build and edit their own forms. I designed a widget to allow total control over sidebar images on a per-page basis. I created several custom post types to help them organize and feature news, events, and FAQs.