Personal Finance Application

I save all of my expenses to my budget site. It boasts an easy-to-use interface and can import all expense activity from CSVs that I download from my bank. Overage tabs appear when I’m over budget for a category or subcategory for a given month. Graphs and charts can be plotted for any (sub)category over any range of dates. The admin area provides tools for editing purchases.


We’ve found a lot of use with this site over the years. Now we’ve got a lot of financial data in it for our household. I learned a lot from the initial project, but found the pattern a bit lacking as I learned better ways to code projects like this. Mixing templating logic with front-end functionality and raw SQL statements isn’t the most maintainable approach, but you gotta start somewhere 🙂

The new greenfield project splits logic into a more typical architecture used for a project of this nature: a Vue.js front-end that requests data from an Eloquent ORM-powered Laravel API.