PHP Documentation Generator


"Sweet logo!" said someone once.


"Sweet logo!" said someone once.

In an effort to better document FG LOS software, primarily for developers working directly with the code, I was tasked to find a PHP documentation generator that would work well for our codebase. We were mainly interested in ease of use, but were also keen on a solution that offered decent default styling. I tried out the following solutions:


The FG software platform is large, complex, and a few years old. All but one of the documenter libraries above failed for one reason or another out-of-the-box. I have no doubt they could have been persuaded to work, but I wasn’t interested in putting in any of the effort.

I wrote up my findings and crowned phpDocumentor the winner. I shared the reasons why in the developer demo. The install was easy, it had simple configuration options, and it had good default styling with a few extra template options available as bonus.

The only real negative was that it took nearly 5 hours to generate documentation. I tried some different config options and had it run overnight a few more times and cut that time in half. So yeah… not a thing you would want to run as part of the release build cycle necessarily, but a good thing to run from time to time.