
Finite Differencing


Finite differencing is an explicit numerical means of solving spatial and temporal derivatives. I’ll show you the math that allows us to predict the future!

Come with me on a fantastic journey through time and space!

Hackathon: Machine Learning


Gartner announced they were going to host a company-wide hackathon to be held in May of 2019. I proposed a machine learning proof-of-concept to address the low quality of the pros and cons featured on our new reviews page. While leading the project, I thought it was important that everyone be able to pursue whatever approach they saw fit to learn the skills they desired to learn.

In the end, we all mostly got results of one kind or another. We learned a few things along the way. And everyone lost to the team we all knew we would lose to. We went on to implement our solution on the live site.

Product Collation

Product Filtering/Sorting
Product Filtering/Sorting

I created an object-oriented solution that also took advantage of some functional programming practices. It is a black-box service that takes an industry, all of it’s products, and a store as initial arguments. Filtering and sorting actions taken by the user trigger internal methods that act on the data and update the store.

Development of these features took a few weeks. We took the next few months to iron out bugs, uncommunicated or forgotten business logic, and other edge cases that we wanted to address.

AngularJS Blog

Angular Blog
Angular Blog

I chose to use the technologies specifically listed in the job posting: Javascript, AngularJS, SASS, Git, and Node.js. I coded the store as an API for child components to retrieve data. The result is a non-trivial, reactive, SPA, all built from scratch in less than 12 hours.

Wiki API

Space wiki
Space wiki

Your product owner has an idea for a new sort of wiki. The wiki will be very simple, providing a short summary about the subject and then a list of links to related resources below the summary; the summary and the links will be user generated, all via an API you will build. You should aim to spend 2­-4 hours on the task.

I truly despise these types of coding exercises.

ES6 Fetch Transforms

Essentially the kata is asking us to fit a puzzle piece into an existing environment. Our piece sits between a REST API and some consumer set to call our `retrieve` function. The consumer will pass arguments. It will expect the data to be formatted a certain way and be wrapped in a promise. And we will be swimming in Node.js and ES6 Javascript!

VanillaJS Household Builder

In this coding kata, I implemented a very basic MVC framework with service layer, all written in vanillaJS. The app is resilient. It will continue to show errors when they occur, add and remove entries on demand, and submit without breakage. The application works on all modern browsers.

Responsify Desktop

I argued against supporting two separate platforms that accomplish the same goal. I argued for making the desktop site responsive to replace and sunset the jQueryMobile application. My arguments won the day.

Bite Squad’s goal at that point was to have a good, solid, manageable software product to support their business. They hired talented, experienced developers to do that. They realized somewhere along the line afterward that the effort was not worth it.