Projects: Ajax

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

Product Collation

Product Filtering/Sorting
Product Filtering/Sorting

I created an object-oriented solution that also took advantage of some functional programming practices. It is a black-box service that takes an industry, all of it’s products, and a store as initial arguments. Filtering and sorting actions taken by the user trigger internal methods that act on the data and update the store.

Development of these features took a few weeks. We took the next few months to iron out bugs, uncommunicated or forgotten business logic, and other edge cases that we wanted to address.

Responsify Desktop

I argued against supporting two separate platforms that accomplish the same goal. I argued for making the desktop site responsive to replace and sunset the jQueryMobile application. My arguments won the day.

Bite Squad’s goal at that point was to have a good, solid, manageable software product to support their business. They hired talented, experienced developers to do that. They realized somewhere along the line afterward that the effort was not worth it.

Manual Collateral

Since the beginning of time, collateral has been input into the LOS by means of a form that integrates with NADA. Due to the limitations of the NADA bookout service, new and rare cars are generally unacceptable to our system. The solution was to allow manual collateral input. Because we started collateral with NADA, the system was already somewhat complex, though some care was taken to abstract out the bookout type. Still, our solution had to expand upon that abstraction, particularly in back-end persistence and front-end KnockoutJS field bindings.

Military Lending Act

The Military Lending Act was amended in September 2015 to place limits on how high an APR lenders could set for active military personnel. The real difficulty came after realizing the logic surrounding loan products and fees was now lacking. Their inclusion or exclusion affects MAPR values, and thus MLA rules. A refactor was in order because these can be updated in so many ways across the system.

Withdrawn Loan Status

At the start of this relatively straightforward epic, there were a number of “terminal” loan statuses already in existence: abandoned, expired decision, expired contract, and finalized. Somehow missing from this list was a way for lenders to withdraw a loan in the FG LOS. We had to integrate this functionality with many other services across the site including user permissions, the automatic decision engine, the decision status cron, and application queues.