Projects: Ajax

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

Collateral Core Code

Symitar, a software system powering hundreds of credit unions, uses collateral codes for all loan types regardless of whether they are secured or unsecured. In an effort to comply with industry standards, we needed a Symitar integration to provide options to allow the user to supply a collateral core code for every loan type defined in their system. The newly defined collateral code can now be sent to the Symitar core on loan approval, thus allowing banks another way to distinguish loan types.

Symitar Core Validation


The task to be solved consisted of enforcing a 4-digit max size to Symitar core codes. It sounded easy enough, but a quick run through the domain revealed that core id fields were spread across eight different admin pages, each uniquely structured, implemented within their own context. I had to extend existing jQuery Validation library functionality to accept custom messages and errors returned from Ajax requests to the back-end. My eventual solution was done in a way to be easily extendible to future core implementations.

Executive Dashboard

Intel Executive Dashboard
Intel Executive Dashboard

The Executive Dashboard began as a one-off project that allowed Intel executives to quickly assess the effectiveness of current marketing campaigns across the twittersphere. Client admins are now able to quickly create any number of custom dashboards, each consisting of tabbed dataviews that present easy-to-digest social business intelligence in a number of customizable ways.

Halt Medical

Halt Medical
Halt Medical

The Acessa site offered many challenges during development. This W2OPress implementation features WP admin page stacking to break content into smaller, more easily digestible parts across endlessly scrolling pages. The client is given total control of the full-width banner widgets interspersed between sections. Bootstrapped from this functionality, I built automatically generated, in-page navigation.

MasterCard Center

Mastercard Center
Mastercard Center

The MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth had heard good things from the MasterCard Newsroom group regarding our work and needed a site redesign for an upcoming conference. This was the first opportunity to build a website using our new official software offering, W2OPress. I created a pinterest-styled interface and added ajax friendly ‘load more posts’ functionality to our suite of Wordpress plugin submodules. The entire site was developed, QA’d, debugged, and production-ready within five weeks.

MasterCard Responsive

MasterCard Responsive
MasterCard Responsive

The Engagement Bureau needed some significant re-theming (including the addition of off-canvas menus) to make it accessible to phones and tablets. I spent a great deal of time modularizing years old style sheets that were thousands of lines in length. The DevOps team made developing via local vagrant instance possible.

Purdue Pharma

Purdue Pharma
Purdue Pharma

Assigned the impossible task of replicating an existing site that lacked a defined scope, I acted as lead to eight other developers. I built several object-oriented WordPress plugins that handled registered users, resources, the shopping cart, item orders, and integration with the client’s SAP fulfillment system.

MasterCard Engagement Bureau

MasterCard Engagement Bureau
MasterCard Engagement Bureau

At a certain point, admins using the MasterCard Newsroom found themselves their own worst enemy by over-categorizing posts and abusing tags. They decided to approach from a new angle: to focus content by properly utilizing custom post types (News Briefs, Press Releases, Digital Press Kits, Images, and Videos), and to round it out by cross-categorizing using custom taxonomies.



Our family recipe site began as a simple way to log our favorite recipes. It became much more. We can easily choose from recipes and tagged ingredients, or write-in what we need, to compile a grocery list that we can access from our phones in-store. The generated list doubles as a drag and drop interface where the app can learn how grocery items should be sorted in the future for a particular store, for a particular user.