Projects: Ajax

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

MasterCard Content Hub

MasterCard Content Hub
MasterCard Content Hub

MasterCard sought the ability to collect content from the diverse array of blogs they manage to create custom RSS feeds that group posts into similar foci. This would allow them to cross-pollinate content written by a number of separate entities worldwide by showcasing feeds from blogs of different origin.

EMD Serono Fertility Map

EMD Serono Fertility Map
EMD Serono Fertility Map

I created an interactive map that renders fertility statistics for all US states. I chose the jVectorMap library because it was (and may still be) one of the only tools that supports scalable vector graphics in IE6. I packaged the project using JSON as acting database to ensure its portability as a standalone website that could easily be dropped into any environment.

In the Face of Pain

In the Face of Pain
In the Face of Pain

Purdue Pharma needed a better way to feature advocates for pain management and therapies on the site. Prior to this scope of work being approved, existing meta such as Voices of Hope (audio interviews), Advocate Perspectives (videos), and Stories of Inspiration (interview transcripts) were spread across several pages. I collected the meta and associated it with its respective advocate. Custom WordPress back-end queries were fed via Ajax to mustache templates on the front-end.

Personal Finance Application

Personal Finance Application
Personal Finance Application

I save all of my expenses to my budget site. It boasts an easy-to-use interface and can import all expense activity from CSVs that I download from my bank. Overage tabs appear when I’m over budget for a category or subcategory for a given month. Graphs and charts can be plotted for any (sub)category over any range of dates. The admin area provides tools for editing purchases.

Valero Texas Open

Valero Texas Open
Valero Texas Open

The Valero Texas Open is one of the oldest tournaments on the PGA Tour. Following the 2012 tournament, I created an image gallery to show off pictures from the tour and associated events. The easiest way for the client to upload and manage their media was to employ a separate Flickr account. There, they organized and tagged their images as they saw fit. All media was later pulled into the site via cron job requests to the Flickr API. Once published, the imagery would automatically be grouped into the proper album.