Projects: AngularJS

A JavaScript framework

AngularJS Blog

Angular Blog
Angular Blog

I chose to use the technologies specifically listed in the job posting: Javascript, AngularJS, SASS, Git, and Node.js. I coded the store as an API for child components to retrieve data. The result is a non-trivial, reactive, SPA, all built from scratch in less than 12 hours.

Purdue Pharma

Purdue Pharma
Purdue Pharma

Assigned the impossible task of replicating an existing site that lacked a defined scope, I acted as lead to eight other developers. I built several object-oriented WordPress plugins that handled registered users, resources, the shopping cart, item orders, and integration with the client’s SAP fulfillment system.



Our family recipe site began as a simple way to log our favorite recipes. It became much more. We can easily choose from recipes and tagged ingredients, or write-in what we need, to compile a grocery list that we can access from our phones in-store. The generated list doubles as a drag and drop interface where the app can learn how grocery items should be sorted in the future for a particular store, for a particular user.