Projects: Doctrine

A PHP object relational mapper (data mapper)

Withdrawn Loan Status

At the start of this relatively straightforward epic, there were a number of “terminal” loan statuses already in existence: abandoned, expired decision, expired contract, and finalized. Somehow missing from this list was a way for lenders to withdraw a loan in the FG LOS. We had to integrate this functionality with many other services across the site including user permissions, the automatic decision engine, the decision status cron, and application queues.

Collateral Core Code

Symitar, a software system powering hundreds of credit unions, uses collateral codes for all loan types regardless of whether they are secured or unsecured. In an effort to comply with industry standards, we needed a Symitar integration to provide options to allow the user to supply a collateral core code for every loan type defined in their system. The newly defined collateral code can now be sent to the Symitar core on loan approval, thus allowing banks another way to distinguish loan types.

Symitar Core Validation


The task to be solved consisted of enforcing a 4-digit max size to Symitar core codes. It sounded easy enough, but a quick run through the domain revealed that core id fields were spread across eight different admin pages, each uniquely structured, implemented within their own context. I had to extend existing jQuery Validation library functionality to accept custom messages and errors returned from Ajax requests to the back-end. My eventual solution was done in a way to be easily extendible to future core implementations.