Observer: FG Admin Updates
The user story goes something like this: As an admin, I want updates to FinanceGenius LOS admin settings to propagate to the customer-facing LG portal so loans funnel in seamlessly.
A Python framework
The user story goes something like this: As an admin, I want updates to FinanceGenius LOS admin settings to propagate to the customer-facing LG portal so loans funnel in seamlessly.
The fine folks at *terrible contractor we were using that I will not call out by name* decided that if a lead funneling in from LoanappGenius (LG) did not transmit to a client’s FG LOS correctly, a cron would try again five minutes later. With any application, things can go wrong. With LG, things do go wrong. I start by interpreting mysterious and totally ambiguous error status codes. If I haven’t hooked you by this point, keep reading anyway.