Projects: Foundation

A front-end web component library

AngularJS Blog

Angular Blog
Angular Blog

I chose to use the technologies specifically listed in the job posting: Javascript, AngularJS, SASS, Git, and Node.js. I coded the store as an API for child components to retrieve data. The result is a non-trivial, reactive, SPA, all built from scratch in less than 12 hours.

Wiki API

Space wiki
Space wiki

Your product owner has an idea for a new sort of wiki. The wiki will be very simple, providing a short summary about the subject and then a list of links to related resources below the summary; the summary and the links will be user generated, all via an API you will build. You should aim to spend 2­-4 hours on the task.

I truly despise these types of coding exercises.

Job Apps


When I decided it was time to start looking for a new opportunity post W2O Group, I really wanted a centralized place that I could keep tabs on the jobs I’d applied for and the potential jobs found that I might yet apply to. Job Apps is a standalone application that will help you stay organized while seeking employment. I find it super helpful… and you can too!

Halt Medical

Halt Medical
Halt Medical

The Acessa site offered many challenges during development. This W2OPress implementation features WP admin page stacking to break content into smaller, more easily digestible parts across endlessly scrolling pages. The client is given total control of the full-width banner widgets interspersed between sections. Bootstrapped from this functionality, I built automatically generated, in-page navigation.

MasterCard Center

Mastercard Center
Mastercard Center

The MasterCard Center for Inclusive Growth had heard good things from the MasterCard Newsroom group regarding our work and needed a site redesign for an upcoming conference. This was the first opportunity to build a website using our new official software offering, W2OPress. I created a pinterest-styled interface and added ajax friendly ‘load more posts’ functionality to our suite of Wordpress plugin submodules. The entire site was developed, QA’d, debugged, and production-ready within five weeks.



W2OPress standardizes project development and facilitates more accurate estimates and faster turnaround. We have a library of in-house and vetted third-party plugin submodules that are versioned and available to use across implementations. Both client and product work are incorporated into our two-week sprints. This is the most agile-friendly approach I’ve heard of actually employed within an agency setting. From a developer’s standpoint, it is a marked improvement.

MasterCard Responsive

MasterCard Responsive
MasterCard Responsive

The Engagement Bureau needed some significant re-theming (including the addition of off-canvas menus) to make it accessible to phones and tablets. I spent a great deal of time modularizing years old style sheets that were thousands of lines in length. The DevOps team made developing via local vagrant instance possible.

MasterCard Engagement Bureau

MasterCard Engagement Bureau
MasterCard Engagement Bureau

At a certain point, admins using the MasterCard Newsroom found themselves their own worst enemy by over-categorizing posts and abusing tags. They decided to approach from a new angle: to focus content by properly utilizing custom post types (News Briefs, Press Releases, Digital Press Kits, Images, and Videos), and to round it out by cross-categorizing using custom taxonomies.